Friday, November 26, 2010

What do you's Raining in Treviso!

Click to enlarge. Shot at our window over our neighbor's terrace
Thanksgiving has already been and gone. As we celebrated yesterday (like all good Americans living abroad) I was thankful for the abundance of such savory food and the good company of our loving friends.

I was NOT thankful for overeating. No one to blame but myself for that. But what can one do when it all tastes so good, and there's so much to go around? And then there's the prodding of generous hosts to keep you eating. I was just trying to be a compliant guest. Compliant enough that today I don't think I'll be using any of my jaw muscles for anything other than yawning. See the spread in the picture below. Believer it or not, tomorrow we get to do it all over again with another group of families.
Beautiful...and delicious!

And today, I woke up thankful that I don't live in a tent. That's because it's raining...hard...again. Actually, a mixture of rain AND snow. It seems like it's always raining in Treviso this time of year. In fact, rain is so common the locals have a saying,

"Whenever it rains in Treviso, the government is taking our money."

No explanation needed there. All I can say is the government must be having a lucrative month. I'm about ready to trade my car for a boat. Any takers?

Tomorrow's forecast was for snow, but we'll see. It's a true rarity in Treviso if it actually sticks. I wonder what that means the government is up to?


  1. Mark, your descriptions of Treviso express what's behind all the facades. Molto bene!

    Maybe if it rains enough, we'll all start using the canals again :)

  2. Anonymous, you sound a lot like a friend I know. Is that Tracey from Treviso? Lol!

  3. And to think that you get to do it all over again tomorrow!!
